Billy Joe Mates
Billy Joe Mates
S1.E1. Jacob Hawley - Biology
Welcome to the first episode of Billy Joe Mates, a game show that takes comedians back to school to resit a subject of their choice hosted by Joseph Emslie and Joseph Parsons. In this episode, the two Joes test the skills of comedian Jacob Hawley (as seen and heard on BBC iPlayer, BBC Radio 4 and Lad Bible) who decided to resit Biology. The boys talk with Jacob about his school days and a unique fascination that occurred when he was a scout that lead to trouble.
Visit Jacob's Twitter for more details about seeing him live: @HawleyJacob and you can get tickets to his unbelievable show here:
Please share your yearbook entries with us on Twitter: @Billy_JoeMates
We're also on Facebook: just search 'Billy Joe Mates'.